Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another Introduction

I'm also a college instructor, in this case of business law, political science, economics and especially the international classes. Which is to say, if "international" is in the title of the class at my college, I'm likely to be teaching it or have taught it, along with all the law material. (I'm the more or less anonymous blogger at Originalia, where I comment on and link to topics of interest to my students.)

Other interests include the Society for Creative Anachronism (I'm a long-time member, though semi-retired at the moment, and blog about it at Clarion Hall).

On a regular basis, I have been in the habit of sending emails on the topics of cocktails (mostly my opinion of new ones I've tried) and comic books (mini-reviews to friends with similar interests). My plan is for those emails to become posts here instead.

I'm also interested in stamp collecting (I'm interested in Canal Zone, pre-revolutionary Cuba and France for the most part, but I collect some topical stamps on heraldry, the Middle Ages, coffee, tobacco, etc.); books and book-binding; cooking; some mystery, fantasy and science fiction; baseball and college football; military and naval history; and I'm particularly interested in illuminated manuscripts and their bindings.

Very likely I'll blog about most of those things here, I guess, and probably the occasional movie. I'll likely save SCA posts for Clarion Hall and politics for Originalia.

By the way, I hope our various authors, as they join, will write about pretty much anything they like that they think is likely to interest the other readers and authors. I said no politics below, but what I think I really meant was no arguing about ideology and so forth. Someone who wanted to, say, write about their impressions of the inauguration on Tuesday or that type of political topic or event, would be welcome, I should think.

Feel free to write at any length about your popular culture issues. Hopefully we'll get posts on television, music, arts and crafts and so forth. Also, fine to merely link briefly to other sites or articles you might think interesting, or promote your other blogs or websites here.

Oh, and I'm married to the blogger here whose profile is "The Cat Bastet".

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